Deans Blue Hole, Deadmans Caye, Bahamas

Kathryn McPhee and Kerian Hibbs have been invited to compete at the Vertical Blue Competition at Dean's blue hole, in the Bahama's alongside some of the worlds best freedivers. Both Athletes will set new NZ records in various depth disciplines during the 10 day competition.

Here you will be able to check on their pre-competition activity and track their progress during the competition.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Demonstration Dive confirmed

This is your chance to see free diving pool events first hand. Both Kathryn and Kerian will demonstrate the various pool formats at NaeNae Pool on Saturday the 15th March at 6pm.
Our special guest Frankie Stevens will be there to talk you though the various elements of the preparation and the dive. The Demonstration will be treated by the athletes as an actual competition with AIDA judges ( the regulatory body for international free diving). Of course Kathryn and Kerian will be happy to answer any questions you have, and other club members will be there to talk to anyone who is interested in finding out more free diving.