Not too much to report about yesterday. Only Kathryn dived.
She was attempting to dive to 50m. She looked good from the surface and looked good on the way up, but unfortunately for her, she blacked out on the surface and got a red card.
Today (6th April) only I nominated to dive. I set the depth to 64m which I was hoping would be an easy dive for me today. Unfortunately about 4 mins from my dive, I did a test eq. on my ears and the left ear gave me a serious pain. I tried again and it did not hurt as much. I was close to pulling out of the dive, but tried one more Eq and it did not hurt at all so I decided to stick with the plan.
I did the dive, but it was difficult as I was worried about my ears the whole way down and could not relax as I needed to in order to make a good dive.
I got to 62 (again) and turned as I did not want to hurt myself any further.
Coming to the surface I was somewhat disorientated and was spiraling around the rope.
My kick also lost it tempo due to my head not being where it needed to be.
I surfaced and competed Sp. yellow card for turning early.
If the ear is ok I will try again for that depth as I should be able to get 64m.
Better luck tomorrow.
We are off to a BBQ for the competitors this afternoon so it will be a good time to chill with the other athletes and organizers. I am tired and need sleep too. I think this means I will sleep well tonight despite the heat.
Deans Blue Hole, Deadmans Caye, Bahamas

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