Today the weather is overcast and windy. Not that it matters at the blue hole.
Vis is slightly improved over yesterday.
Divers today will be Kerian, Kathryn. Karol and Natalya have not joined us like expected. No problem.
We prepare the rig and Nataliya arrives. She is not diving today, but will swim out and assist if needed.
I am first to go today and Kathryn will follow.
I am a little nervous today as I am attempting to set a PB at 57m and are still not 100% sure of things.
I breath up, roll over and take off. I dive down and I am carrying a lot of tension. At about 30m I miss an Equalization and start to play catch up. I mouth fill at around 40 but am not comfortable. I can feel the tension in my body. I get to 55m and stop. I can no longer Eq. I turn and rocket to the surface. it was not a good dive! 1 min 33 seconds... way way to fast. No wonder I missed the eq.
I am unhappy but keep it to myself.
Kathryn then prepares for her dive. She is also going to 57m but doing it Free Immersion. Thats pulling yourself down the rope to the bottom and then back up again. She finishes her breath up and heads off.
I am her deep safety with Joy calling the dive. I deploy right on schedule and meet her at about 18m. She is looking really strong. She surfaces and does her safety protocol and has completed her first ever truely deep FI Dive. She also unofficially blitzed the NZ Womans FI Record with that dive. From memory it was something like 45m or something.
She is very very happy on the way home.
The rest of this post will be completed in the next days post.
wish me luck for tomorrow!
Deans Blue Hole, Deadmans Caye, Bahamas

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