After my disappointment of not getting the 57m dive yesterday I went and spoke to William Trubridge seeking some advice. One of the most amazing things about this sport is that everyone is happy to offer advice and support, where as in other sports I have been involved in, no one wants to share their secrets or training programs. They want the edge and they keep it to them selves. Not so in Free diving. It seems that everyone wants you to do well, so much encouragement and support, tips and ideas.
William had some advice for me, which was to not worry about it as it was only the second dive since I had arrived and that more than likely I am still tired from the trip to get here. Chill out the best is yet to come.
Not too long after that Kathryn had been talking with William Winram (Canadian Freediver) and he came down to offer some advice too. His was to help me slow down my dives and work on the EQ issues I have been having. I took on board the advice from both William's and planned my dive for the next day. (Saturday)
I spent the rest of the evening chilling and relaxing amongst the other divers. We all went down to the beach next to the blue hole and had a BBQ. It was a beautiful sunset and a good chance for everyone to mingle and get to know each other a little more.
We were the first to leave as Fran was suffering Jet lag pretty bad and just wanted to sleep.
This morning that dam rooster outside the window at the next door neighbor place woke me up so I had less sleep than I have been having previously. I stayed in bed reading a while and got up a little later than the others.
Breakfast was All Bran, yogurt and soy milk.
I spent the rest of the morning going over my dive plan, doing some packing and rib cage stretches and then visualization of the dive. Packed the car and we were off.
During the morning Dave Mullins had arrived and was joining us even though he was just fresh off the plane.
Divers today was the total Kiwi contingent, Kerian, William, Dave Mullins and Kathryn along with Joy (on the platform calling time and depth) and Fran as in water safety diver.
The Hole was much better today. No current on the surface to speak of and the vis was maybe 3m better than yesterday.
William as the deepest diver was first to dive. We were running behind time, but no matter. You just have to dive at your own pace. We set the rope and I accidentally messed up the call on the markings! instead of the 83m he was wanting I ended up calling it 5m more! Regardless, William pulled of a perfect dive.
Dave was next to go. We reset the line to 70m for him. He sucked the air out of the immediate vicinity making it hard to breath for us all for maybe 10 seconds, packed then dived. A pretty quick dive for him, but did a comfortable dive.
My turn next. I had planned to repeat my attempt to 57, but thought I would just stretch it out a little and make it a 60m. That way if everything was going well, I would keep on descending.
I spent longer than normal on the surface preparing, just getting my head in the game. I packed then rolled over. The most awful entry into the water I think I have ever done. no matter, I put my head back on the dive plan I had set for myself and followed it. 3 kicks without too much power, then 3 relaxed kicks and I am on my way. now the descent. Just waiting for my first dive alarm keep the Eq happening nice and regularly. 40m and the cheek fill, then put my arms to the side. William W suggested that I try arms to the side in order to relax more as I free fall. At around 45 - 48 I feel the first of the tension build. I check my fall with the fin to slow a little, relax and Eq again, so far so good. 55m, my barrier, and its too hard to eq. I grab the line and stop. Time to just chill and make sure I can Eq! I drop down to the plate and touch it! I have made my first 60m Dive!!!!!
I turn and head up. Now to the ascent plan. I kick then glide until I stop, kick then glide. I do this all the way until I see Fran. At that stage I pop my nose clip and keep my tempo as I keep to the plan and head to the surface. I breach then grab the rope, clear the goggles and signal, I am ok ! I have done it. My first 60m dive at a SLOW 2 mins 38 seconds. The plan was to go slow and make the dive stick. It all came together.
Kathryn's turn to dive now. She is wanting to hit 50m no fins. She does her breath up and goes. unfortunately this time it was not to be and turns early. Not today.
And thats it for the Kiwi's for today. Time to go and get the shopping done.
Deans Blue Hole, Deadmans Caye, Bahamas

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