The final day of the comp and it was a big day for a number of us.
Quite a few of the athletes had already left so there were only 8 of us left to dive.
First up was Ryuzo with another attempt at 105m. This guy just keeps coming back for more.
Today saw him miss the tag by 1m !!! its a long long way to go to not quite make it!
Second was moi. I nominated 76m today as it was a big depth in order to allow me to go as far as I wanted to without getting to the plate and thinking "I could have gone deeper". No regrets.
It was a little difficult to get my head around yesterdays events as they seemed to have changed the perspective for me a little, but not necessarily in a bad way.
The count down today seemed really short and top time came around too fast, but regardless, it was time to dive. Once I was at about 35 - 40m all the bag stuff in my mind melted away and left me in a really good place to continue the dive. My mouth full was working great.
At about -68 - 69m I caught a flash in the top of my goggles which caused me to look down and the moment I did that my mouth full was gone... I had just lost the ability to EQ any further!
I grabbed the rope and saw the plate so close!!!! ARRR!
I swum nice and relaxed to the surface knowing that it was a great dive, but not knowing how great.
After SP I checked the gauges and I had recorded 71m ! I was ecstatic!!
My personal goal for this trip was to make it to 70m min! I have reached a milestone in my freediving carear.
Feb of 08, my deepest comp dive was 37m. I have almost doubled my CW depth in only a few short months.
Enough of my blubbering, William Trubridge was soon to step up to the plate.
Due to the controversy surrounding his 107m dive a couple of days ago (bottom tag issues) he wanted to put it to bed once and for all. He had nominated an astounding 108m.
His dive was flawless and 4 mins later he returned to the surface and completed SP. He held strong even after a minor samba and finished SP at 13.5 seconds. He was released from the performance area after 1 min with another world record to his name. He stated that at the bottom that he had plenty of air left in his cheeks which may mean that we have more to see yet!
Last but not least, Frank was the last diver for the day. He was chasing his brothers unofficial FIM record for Columbia and finally put it to rest. -47m FIM. A good dive and easy SP.
So thats all folks. We will be heading to the restaurant soon for a finial group meal and a whole lot of people here who have not been able to drink want to make up for lost time.
See you all back in NZ!
Thanks for all your support.
Deans Blue Hole, Deadmans Caye, Bahamas

Here you will be able to check on their pre-competition activity and track their progress during the competition.