Well, Day 2 of the comp and the gods have decided that the water is too shallow here.
We have been experiencing thunder storms on and off over the last few days and heavy rain. They are tropical storms though, which just roll in, do their thing then disappear again as quickly as they arrive.
Day 2 of the comp only saw 4 competitors diving due to 2 athletes pulling out before the day begun.
First up was Natalie with 62m CWT. She did a nice clean dive and got white cards all around.
I was second with a nominated 60m CWT. I entered the water as late as possible to stop from getting cold. I did my lung stretches on the dive platform while Natalie was doing her dive.
I entered the water 5 mins from my set dive time and prepared.
Everything was going well and at 10 seconds after top I begun my dive.
It was feeling great as I went off the surface, couple of big kicks and close my eyes to enjoy the descent. All of a sudden I was whipped around, my lanyard had caught on something! I was now head up and needed to abort the dive. I looked up my lanyard line and it was caught on the carabina which they send the tags down on. The tag was still attached too! I swum up and grabbed the tag and carabina and returned to the surface. I was so angry! I think it was a reaction to being turned around suddenly and unexpectedly.
Needless to say, that dive was an aborted effort, so I was asked by the officials if I would like another go after the last athlete. I elected to dive again.
At that stage there was only William Winran and Christian to dive.
William was attempting a 90m FIM dive which he did not make and turned early at 70m.
Christian nominated 62m and got the tag - and also the French National Record!
Now it was my second attempt for the day.
Breath up was good and I started the dive head up this time.
Descent was nice and I managed to relax into the free fall. My dive alarm went off and I did my mouth fill and continued to equalize easy. Once my second alarm went off, I knew I was only 3m from the plate, so I dropped without worrying to Equalise.
At this stage I overshot the plate, so as I turned, I swum up to look over the plate, get my tag and keep on swimming up. Seemed like a very small swim to the deep safety diver. I removed my nose clip and kept swimming. Ran my hands up the rope to clear the surface and then complete Surface Protocol. White Card.
No lactic, no issues, just a great dive.
I have now completed my deepest CWT dive in comp. I have nominated something deeper for tomorrow, so keep tuned! Same bat time, same bat channel!
Afterwards Joy, Simon, Kathryn, Fran and myself took off to a beach I had been told about. We went for a wonderful swim. Not much to see other than perfect white sandy beaches.
Most amazing church there too which I took pictures of.
We had a nice lunch in Clarance Town.
Came back and ended up at the Cyber Cafe.