Both Kerian and William had good dives, however they both turned early - Kerian nominated 66m CWT and turned at 60.9m, and William ( pictured above during his warm up prior to his dive) nominated 101m FIM and turned at 97m - so these are still good dives - and Kerians PB in CWT.
Tomorrow we have more big dives ahead of us, Will has nominated 84m CNF - which will reclaim the world record he set last year, but which was later broken in October, Dave has nominated 111m CWT - pushing the NZ record out even further, Kathryn is going to dive without a wetsuit tomorrow , and is hoping for a 44m dive, with kerian attempting FIM at 73m - so it should be an exciting day ahead of us - and we are hoping for more good weather, rather than a return of the tropical storm we have had in the last few days!
Official results are being posted at http://verticalblue.net/news/