The Blue hole gets better each day. The visibility is around 20 - 25m now and we can clearly see the edge of the hole from the surface. Its really nice to be able to see so far into the water. This also means that there is more light deeper down meaning that it is no longer pitch black below 50m.
Divers today, William Trubridge, Dave Mullins and Kerian.
William went first today with a Free Immersion dive. He set the rope at 106m for his attempt. Almost 4 mins later he surfaced but had to turn early due to Eq issue. He has a very mechanical method when doing Free Immersion and I think that its very efficient which is why he can return after such a deep dive.
Dave Mullins up next. We reset the rope to 100m for his Constant Weight Dive. He tells us it will be a quick one. Again he leaves very little air for the rest of us to breath and dives down into the depths. we feel the turn at around 1 min 35 seconds and think he has turned early. Soon he surfaces and he had actually got to the plate on that dive. A very quick dive for Dave.
Normally I would have 3 days diving then a rest day, but today was too good a day to pass up for a practice at the Variable Weight Discipline which is what I am going to set the New Zealand Record for. As a warning, William suggested that I make my first ever VWT dive a shallow one. We set the line at 50m so that I am safely within my limits so that we can allow for descent at a faster rate than normal. For this dive I am upright. William gives me a count down and then lets the rope go! I sink slowly at first than as my lungs decrease in size from the pressure the descent speed increases. I cheek fill to be safe and keep the eq. going to keep up with the speed. Next thing I know I am at 50m. Damn that was quick. I start my ascent and I am actually still boyant so its not going to be hard work to get to the surface. I head up and see Fran, my safety. I head up and complete Surface Protocol and its all over. It has to be one of the easiest dives I have ever experienced! 39 sec to the bottom.
I have decided that my first NZ Record attempt will be at 75m on the variable. I will test myself at that depth tomorrow morning. I will push my rest day out one more day and rest the first day of the comp itself. The new sled will be ready Tuesday so I will do my first record attempt that afternoon.
This is going to ROCK!
Deans Blue Hole, Deadmans Caye, Bahamas

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